privacy policy

  • Privacy Policy

    PPP STUDIOS (hereinafter referred to as "this shop") has established the following personal information protection policy in order to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and other guidelines regarding the handling of personal information acquired by this shop.
    Please note that this privacy policy applies only to this shop.

    1. About Personal Information "Personal Information" refers to "personal information" as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act").

    2. How we collect personal information When a user purchases an item, our shop may ask for personally identifiable information, such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, and credit card number.
    In addition, when you submit an inquiry form or comment, we may collect your name, phone number, and email address.

    3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information The purposes for which our shop uses personal information obtained from users are as follows.

    a. To manage and inquire about orders, and to send and inquire about products
    b. For after-sales service of products
    c. To notify you of information about new products and services and campaigns
    d. To analyze browsing and purchasing history and other information to inform users of products that are suitable for them
    e. To respond to inquiries
    f. To identify users who have violated the terms of use or used the service for fraudulent or improper purposes, and to refuse use of the service

    4. Changes to the purpose of use Our shop may change the purpose of use of personal information only if the purpose of use is related to the purpose before the change. When there is a change, we will notify users of the change and the content of the change, or publish it on our shop.

    5. Prohibition of provision of personal information to third parties Our shop will properly manage personal information obtained from users and will not disclose it to third parties except in the following cases:

    a. When the individual has given their consent
    b. When disclosing to a contractor to provide the service requested by the user
    c. When disclosure is required by law in response to a request from a national government agency, a local government, or a local public entity
    d. When it is necessary for the protection of life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent

    6. Disclosure of personal information When a user requests disclosure of their personal information, we will promptly respond after verifying their identity. However, this will not apply if disclosure would fall under any of the following. In addition, if we decide not to disclose the information, we will promptly notify you to that effect.

    a. When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
    b. When there is a risk of causing significant disruption to our business
    c. When it violates other laws and regulations

    Furthermore, notwithstanding the above, in principle we will not disclose information other than personal information, such as historical information and characteristic information.

    7. Correction and deletion of personal information If there is an error in the personal information held by this shop, the user may request the shop to correct, add, or delete the personal information. Please contact us using the inquiry form.
    In addition, if we receive a request from a user to correct, add, or delete personal information and determine it is necessary to comply with the request, we will promptly correct the relevant personal information. In addition, we will promptly notify the user when we have made corrections, or when we have decided not to make corrections.

    8. Suspension of use of personal information If the Shop is requested to suspend use in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act because the personal information acquired from the user is being handled outside the scope of the purpose of use previously announced, or because it was acquired illegally, the Shop will promptly conduct the necessary investigation after verifying the user's identity. Depending on the results, the Shop will promptly suspend use of the personal information and notify the user to that effect. In addition, if the Shop decides not to suspend use, the Shop will promptly notify the user to that effect.

    9. Improvement, review, and disposal of personal information Our shop will periodically inspect the handling of personal information and make appropriate improvements and reviews. In addition, if the need to hold personal information is no longer necessary in light of the purpose of use, we will erase or discard the personal information. In that case, we will take into consideration the risk of leaking to the outside and carry out the process in an appropriate manner.

    10. Compliance with and review of laws and regulations Our shop will comply with Japanese laws and regulations regarding the personal information we obtain, and will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and strive to improve it. If we make any changes, we will announce them on this page.

    11. Contact Information If you have any inquiries or complaints regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form.